Thursday, 7 April 2011

Experimenting with Doughnuts and stop motion

I thought I would experiment with stop motion to see if I wanted to use it in my final animation but also to see how I can make a doughnut move. I also had a play with some other characters just to get the hang of stop motion.
I bluetacked my DSLR to the kitchen worktop and got to work!

Doughnut dancing from sarah chester on Vimeo.

Doughnut gets eaten from sarah chester on Vimeo.

Doughnut reverse eaten from sarah chester on Vimeo.

I originally thought that it would look good to have my doughnut eaten bit by bit but when I imported it on After Effects I reversed it and thought it looked much better than the original footage. I think this is because the viewer doesn't expect the doughnut to appear so it gives an element of entertainment and surprise.
I wanted to capture the doughnut being bitten also because my doughnut character will be bitten/eaten in my final animation. If I choose to make it digitally which I am thinking about at the moment it will be easier because I have some research to base my character on.

Troll friends from sarah chester on Vimeo.

Animals from sarah chester on Vimeo.


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