Wednesday, 6 April 2011

I can Animate...


I have downloaded a trial version of 'I can Animate,' it uses my isight camera on my mac though so didn't know what to animate as I couldn't move the camera anywhere! Here is my first attempt ^^ just to get to grips with it.

I found a few more things around my flat and had another go. I think this was a slightly better attempt! I also think it would go with my music I have been assigned.
I can animate is really good because as soon as you take your pictures it put them in a sequence so you don't need to use after effects. It would be better if I had a camera connected by a firewire cable to the software as this way I could actually move the camera! 
The software has given me a good insight into stop motion but I am unsure if I will use stop motion in my final animation. 


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