Blue arrow- camera movements for example, zoom in and out.
Yellow arrow- Character movements
Black arrow- spinning
Red arrow- eyes moving
Scene 1- Dina the Dinosaur goes for a walk
Shot 1- Medium shot of Dina walking casually from one side of the camera shot to the other. Camera stationary throughout.
- Handbag sways in the rhythm of Dina's walking.
- Eyes blink.
Estimated time= 2 seconds.
Shot 2-Camera in the same position.
- Dina nearly off screen.
Estimated time= 1 second.
Shot 3- Camera still stationary.
- Doughnut character appears from left hand side of screen.
- He sneaks behind a tree momentarily then rolls to another tree when Dina is off screen.
Estimated time= 2 seconds.
Scene 2- Dina sees Doughy
Shot 1- Close up shot of Doughy the Doughnut hiding behind a tree.
- Slightly spin movement from Doughy as he tries to sneak to another tree.
- Eyes blink.
Transition= slowly zoom to left part of shot.
Estimated time= 2 seconds.
Shot 2- Camera pans out to capture Dina in the shot.
- Dina sees Doughy hiding.
- Question mark appears first above her head and then an exclamation mark.
- Dina blinks and mouth goes wider- eyes turn to Doughy.
- Doughy's eyes 'hide' behind the tree and his body shakes a bit.
Transition= slowly zoom out.
Estimated time= 2 seconds.
Scene 3- The Meeting
Shot 1- Medium shot capturing both characters.
- Dina stops walking, eyes turn to Doughy and he spins from behind the tree to face Dina.
- Dina's eyes continuously watch Doughy.
- Dina's mouth goes back to normal.
Estimated time= 2 seconds.
Shot 2- Camera zooms in on characters.
- Speech bubble appears above Doughy.
- Then a heart appears in the speech bubble.
- Both characters blink.
Shot 3- Camera same as before.
- Speech bubble appears above Dina.
- Then a heart appears in the speech bubble.
- Speech bubbles fade away gradually.
Estimated time= 1-2 seconds.
Shot 4- Camera same as before.
- Characters move towards each other.
- Heart appears in middle, the heart grows larger, fades from red to pink.
- Heart 'beats' ( size changes: small-large-small etc.)
Estimated time= 3 seconds.
Scene 4- The first 'Kiss'
Shot 1- Camera same as before.
- When close enough, Dina quickly opens her mouth.
- Doughy's eyes change and his mouth becomes wider.
Estimated time= 0.5 seconds.
Shot 2- Camera same as before.
- Dina takes a big bite of Doughy.
- Speech bubble appears saying, 'Yum...'
Estimated time= 1 second.
Shot 3- Camera same as before.
- Dina chews so mouth opens and closes.
- Doughy blinks.
- Speech bubble fades away gradually.
Transition= fade out to white screen.
Estimated time = 2 seconds.
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